
  • An online store for ALL sports gear and other activities PLUS spirit wear for students and parents
  • Includes the ability to create fundraising and booster price additions with transparent reporting
  • A tool to collect payment for order processing, so kids don’t have to be responsible for collecting checks and paper order forms


  • Unlimited team stores
  • Control, transparency, and visibility into all fundraising activities
  • Limit liability by eliminating checks, paper order forms, and “shoebox” fundraising money
  • Streamlined online ordering for students and parents plus order reporting for schools and coaches

Already have an account?

Use your store code to enter now and begin your order.

Order your gear online

Want to Signup?

If you're interested in becoming a member, contact team sales and they will assist with your setup.

email: teamsales@unitedsport.ca
phone: 780-989-6110